Sunday 11 December 2011

Dear Dad,

How are you? Is Perth fun? Is it very hot?

I'm in Masterton now staying with Topsy and Tim. We have been very very busy seeing lots of people and meeting loads of new friends.

Before we arrived we had a few more days in Auckland with Poppa Chuff and Mary. I found some cupboards that were very fun to play in.

We also got into the Christmas spirit and put up the Christmas tree.

Then we got on a very small plane and flew to Masterton where Topsy and Tim picked us up. Don't worry Dad, I was very good for Mumma and slept all the way.

First stop in Masterton was to catch up with my very good friends Hannah, Orla and Sylvie! 

I met a new friend Lizzie. She made me laugh lots.

Then Mumma took me on a drive down to Martinborough where we saw lots of her old school friends and their babies.

Then we went back to Hannah and Jon's for dinner. I had a bath with Sylvie Dot.

And did some jumping with Jon and Stu.

The next day Topsy had her Christmas concert at preschool. I went with Mum and I met this very strange man...

Then guess who came to see me! My cousins Otis and Ted Ted! We had a bath together - I got a bit upset cause they were a bit loud.

Topsy was very pleased to have all her grandbabies with her and we love her lots!

It was so cool to hang out with my cousins but it all got a too much when I caught a tummy bug and was a bit sick. I'm better now thank goodness cause it was pretty yucky.

On Saturday I went to a 3rd birthday party. It was for Jasper Bunny and was so much fun.

Here I am in the bath again! This time with Pia Bunny who is 1 day older than me!

Thats all for now Dad. I miss you lots but as you can see we are keeping very busy. 9 sleeps till you are here. We can't wait!

Love Alby.

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