Saturday 4 June 2011

Toby, Tea, Flowers and Walks in the Park.

So Daddy has been away in China. He went there for work for 6 whole days so it was just me and my Mum at home. Oh and Baxter too of course! We made sure we kept busy doing lots of fun things and we had some visitors too. 

Uncle Toby and Aunty Lucie came to see us. We went for a walk through the park to a pub for lunch. It was fun and I loved talking to Toby and Lucie. They are so much fun.

Mummy has been taking me to swimming lessons. It is really fun and I love being in the water. I am slowly getting used to having my head under - I don't scream any more. Here's me in my togs before I got in the pool. 

Hopefully Dadda gets to come and watch one day and can take a video to show you how clever I am in the water.

Mumma also has been taking me to Baby Massage. It has finished now but it was very lovely and relaxing. On our last class my friend Noah and I found its so relaxing we had to have a nap.


While Dad was away Mum also took me and Baxter on lots of walks. Sometimes in the pushchair...

And sometimes in the sling where I have to wear my hat!

I like hats.


On the way home from one of our walks Mumma found this frog waiting for us at the front door. It gave her a bit of a fright when it jumped out at her. I thought it was funny.

As a treat Mumma sometimes let me nap in her bed - but only if I was very tired.

Dad arrived home on Tuesday. I was very pleased to see him.

He thought I had grown lots - my hair especially!

Mum made him some yummy cinnamon bread as a welcome home treat. I'm too little to eat it but man it smelled good.

He bought Mummy a really cool Chinese Tea Set and some tea. She thinks its great!

I hung out on the dining room table while they had tea and ate the bread. I wish I could eat bread.

Dad bought a cool new camera while he was away so he took me and Mummy and Baxter for a walk in the park to test it out. Here's some photos of Baxter - he likes sticks.

While he was having a swim a family of little dogs came to chat to him. He stayed in the lake.

There were a family of swans in the lake too - they stayed away from Baxter.

Of course they had to take some photos of me... Mum thinks this series is quite funny - I'm not always happy you see.

Here are some other photos Mum and Dad took with the new camera.

Some more from our walk.

Some of the pretty flowers in our garden.

The gorgeous lilies on the dining room table.

And my nappies hanging on the line.

Yesterday afternoon we went back to the park for a late lunch/early dinner. I showed Dad how strong my legs are.

Oh yeah - Mum had her hair cut! She says she's not so sure about it but Dad says he likes it. The lady made it all straight so she does look a bit different but she's still my Mum...

Dad's off to work again today so me and Mum are going to head to to London a bit later. We are going to go to Aunty Lucies house and hang out for a bit with her and Toby. Then we are heading to Aunty Sarah's farewell party. That makes me a bit sad. 

And tomorrow we are going to Orla Hill's 2nd birthday party. She's throwing a music festival called smOrlstock. I can't wait for that and will ask Mum and Dad to put some photos up of our weekend soon.

See ya!

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