This week I did a lot more sleeping. Sometimes in my bassinet...

and sometimes in Mum and Dads bed.
I also spent time at the pub next door with Topsy and Tim.
I loved hanging out with Topsy and Tim - they are very generous with the cuddles.
When I get a windy tummy I feel a bit weird...!
Did I mention I love sleeping? Here's me with Mum...

and here I am catching some zzz with Dad.
We all went for a walk in Windsor Great Park to see the amazing daffodils.
They went on and on and on.
They were so amazing Baxter wanted his photo with them too.
When Tim and Topsy went back to New Zealand I had a bit of a wail. I will miss them.
Jeremy and Moana came and visited me on Monday - they are very excited cos soon they are going to have a baby like me too.
See you soon : )