The last four weeks have gone by in a bit of a blur... Charlie is settling in slowly and we are all getting used to being a family of four (and a dog!)
Luckily Charlie arrived before Don had to head down to Weymouth to film the Olympic sailing so we got to have 10 days with him at home. We then had a couple of days by ourselves and the Uncle Malcolm and Aunty Amanda came to stay before they headed back to NZ. It was so lovely to see them and they were such an incredible help! Amanda cooked most of our meals and stocked up the freezer and they both did an amazing job of keeping Alby and Baxter out of trouble - we don't think we've put them off having their own babies!
Here are a few photos of them and of course the boys!
Uncle Malc and Alby.
A sleeping Bear.
An awake Bear.
A sleeping Monkey.
We took Amanda to Rhyme Time at the library.
Alby discovered if he stood on the boot box he could reach the leaves of the apple tree.
An advertisement for Merino Kids.
Story time with Amanda.
And with Malcolm.
Cuddles with Charlie.
Spot the difference...

Summer seems to arrived and we have had some lovely afternoons in the backyard in the sun...
Gabe came over for a drive with Alby.
Malc and Amanda left on the 7th and we decided to go join Don in Weymouth for the week. We have been staying at a holiday park in a fixed caravan with a view of the sea... It has been wonderful and we don't really want to go home tomorrow!
Here is Don at the Olympic Village with the rings.
And a few pictures of the sailing.
We've been hanging out at the beach.
It's been pretty warm so Alby got dressed in his sun suit.
And had loads of fun in the water and sand.
Charlie slept a lot.
And got to know Dadda.
Alby enjoys the shower.
And Charlie the sink.
We went to watch the sailing one day but picked the only day there was not enough wind. It was fun though.
There are lots of things for kids to do here. Alby at the soft play.
And had his first ice-cream...
Charlie is just cute.
And here's my new favourite photo.
Getting ready for bed.
And some brotherly love.
And Charlie again.
Back to Englefield Green tomorrow to pick up Baxter. Don is home for a couple of weeks before heading back to Weymouth for the Paralympics.
Alby is starting nursery for one day a week soon so will put some photos up of that shortly.
Love Anna, Don, Alby and Charlie xo
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