Friday 31 August 2012

A blue eyed Monkey and a brown eyed Bear.

Here are a few more pictures from our little holiday in Weymouth. We had a wonderful seafood lunch on our last day. Alby loved the fish and chips and Charlie had a snooze. They had a fine selection of sun hats which Alby decided to try.

Don's been home a bit and has enjoyed spending time with the boys.

We have done a lot of chatting to Topsy on Skype.

There was a little grass urchin in the park.

And a seat gnome with our friend Gillian.

When Don's away its a bit of a juggling act to feed and bath the boys so Charlie has a bath while Alby is having his dinner and gets dressed on the table.

He is getting very big. At 6 weeks he weighed 14lb 4oz and was 58.5cm tall bigger than your average 3 month old and 2lbs and 1/2 a cm bigger than his brother at the same age.

We went to our friend Mo and Jeremy's for a summer BBQ and Alby and Mylo did some singing in the bath.

Alby is developing a real sense of humour and thinks its hilarious to wear his pyjamas as a hat...

This was just before he pulled them over his eyes and ran into the table...

I love my cuddles.

Don drove to Wales for a job and the car blew up... Bummer but it is all fixed now.

Our beautiful park.

Our beautiful big boy who Don says looks very much like his Grandma.

Our beautiful small boy.

And our beautiful Baxter.

Alby has started nursery one morning a week. He LOVES it.

Charlie has started to give us some wonderful smiles. This doesn't do it justice but you get the idea.

Here are a few pics I took of Charlie while we were in Weymouth and below are some of Alby at the same age. They are so similar yet very different!



Thats all from us for now. Happy Spring to those in NZ, which I guess then means Autumn is here in the UK... Hmmm.


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