Hi everyone. As of today we are 29 weeks pregnant and we decided to take some pictures of my tummy - which as I look through the photos I am very surprised at the size of! I guess I become used to the size and it doesn't feel this big to me.

We spent last weekend fixing up Smudges room... I had already made some curtains - 1st attempt and not too bad - and bought some storage baskets but I was really keen to get everything sorted even though it has been pointed out that 1 - the baby won't be here for a few months and another few months before it is in its room and 2 - it won't really notice what it's room looks like for quite some time... I of course don't care and just wanted it done.
Here are some before shots...
And here is what it looks like now.
We hung some pictures and got a lamp off Freecycle. The amazing quilt over the sofa is Malcolm and Amanda's wedding present. Very cool. Check out Amanda's blog - she is very clever. http://wigglepounce.blogspot.com/
We cut out a stencil on wallpaper and painted it onto the wall. There are birds sitting in the tree and flying into it. We might have to repaint these as they are white and quite hard to see. And we put the cot up of course!
We also covered the desk with this really cool oilcloth covered in chickens. Cute!
All that needs to be done now is a curtain to cover the bottom of the desk and put some shelves on the wall above it. Oh and for the baby to arrive to put in it!
You may have heard or noticed that November and December have been pretty cold over here - here are a few pics from the snow we had a couple of weeks ago.
And this is my favourite photo from the last wee while. My two tired boys...
I love it! the tree stencil is super cool, nice work guys. And Ping you look fit to pop - though there's still a few weeks to go. Exciting times x