Early in May we had our good friend Washington visit from the UK. Wash and his family were some of our best freinds in the UK so it was great to see him again for a couple of days.

And we got some chooks!
Our first eggy!
After consulting with the boys to find out what they wanted for the garden, I started designing the Pirate Ship Playhouse.
I picked up most of the timber from our local refuse centre which offers up any wood from their wood pile, for free.
My workforce.
Decks on and framing going up.
Roof on and internal cladding going on the cabin.
The sides were very hard to sort out and involved a fair amount of determination.
Cladding finished and the sides all cut down to size.
All done...! with Rupes testing out the slide.
So Grandma and Grandad arrived in time to help finish of the Pirate Ship Playhouse and also put in loads of work on our garden. This is 'the wilderness' and it is basically the previous owners rubbish dump with loads of vines, glass, tin and bamboo to add into the mix. We wanted to turn it into our vege patch.
Grandad was in charge of cutting and laying out the garden beds and I was involved in digging holes and cleaning out the rubbish. ( I had taken out about 8 trailer loads of rubbish previously)
Work was carried out with helpers of course.
The wilderness was slowly but surely transformed.
And now it looks amazing!
Grandad also built a sandpit with a lid that sldes back to form a bench seat.
Grandma dug in several flower beds and read many many books to the boys.
and made lots of lego.
Our next project is to renovate our lovely shed...
There is currently a bit of a dampness problem...
Last weekend we made it out to Bethels Beach with Baxter, the boys and some good friends of ours, Theresa, Glynn and Theo.
Alby and I looked for bears in the caves, noone else was brave enough to go inside.
We love the westcoast beaches.
In the meantime it is life as normal..
But we miss Grandma and Grandad. Thanks for all your help!