Hi there. The last month has been reasonably quiet, not much news to report. The weather has been pretty cold and snowy though and we have had lots of fun playing in it.
Baxter loved it too.
I helped Dadda make us a sled...
It was pretty cool!
Charlie had a snack in the snow.
But found it cold to sit on.
We took Charlie for his first swing - he thought it was great fun.
Me and Mumma made snow angels.
And snow balls.
The snow was pretty tasty.
Gillian came out with us.
And I ate some more snow.
I took my scooter for a spin when the snow melted.
I'm getting pretty good on it.
I like to wear Dadda's gloves and hat when we are out. They are much better than mine.

Here's Charlie, how loves jumping!
Oh yes there is some exciting news... At the beginning of March we are moving! Not far, just down the road, into this cool house! We will miss our little cottage but can't wait to have some more space.
See ya.