We have just had the most wonderful few weeks with Topsy.
The day after she arrived their was an old fashioned steam fair happening on the Green. I took Topsy to check it out - she loved it! I had quite a bit of fun too...
Here we are on a train. I'm practising my royal wave.
I thought this car was pretty cool.
This is my Very Excited face.
I think I'm a pretty good driver. More of that later...
Charlie was very happy to meet Topsy. He gave her lots of special smiles.
I showed her my park.
And read her lots of stories.
We watched a lot of my new favourite movie. Winnie the Pooh.
I helped Topsy feed the ducks.
And introduced her to Gillian and Medlar.
We took her to Windsor Castle to meet the Queen. The Queen was out but we had a lovely time despite the rain.
She met my best friend Gabe.

And helped Mumma buy me my new table and chairs.
Dadda was away, busy working on his TV show so went to visit him.
Charlie and I slept all the way.
He came and met us after work.
And we stayed in a hotel!
We went to help him on his shoot.
It was very exciting watching cars and big trucks go very fast. Topsy even went for a drive with Terry the stunt driver. I think she is very brave!
I did some more driving practise.
And we saw Mumma's old car - it was a bit broken.
I've discovered a few new fun things to do. Jumping on a trampoline...
And dressing up.
The park is looking very pretty at the moment.
And I've been doing a lot of strutting around it.
It can be quite tiring.
Charlie is getting very strong and today he rolled from his back to his tummy. He'll be chasing me around the house very soon!
Another of my favourite things to do is run around with the washing basket on my head.
And drawing, painting and playdough at my new table is great.
We so loved having Topsy here with us and were very sad when she had to leave. We miss you Topsy!
Lastly here is Charlie Bear. He reminds me lots of Dadda!